Previous Projects

Why Micro-hydro fails: Investigation into Poor Performance of Micro-Hydropower Plants in Nepal
This project will be carried out jointly by University of Bristol (UoB) and University of Coventry, UK and the People, Energy and Environment Development Association (PEEDA). The aim of this project is to understand the reasons behind poor performance and failure of MHP plants in Nepal. A field Study will...

Knowledge Exchange Workshops for Locally Manufactured Small Wind Turbines Using Online Design Tools
PEEDA is one of the partner organization for the project "Online Design Tools for Locally Manufactured Small Wind Turbines". The other partner organizations are Kathmandu Alternative Power and Energy Group (KAPEG) (lead and contracting partner), Rural Electrification Research Group (RurERG) and School of the Earth ‘Nea Guinea’. The general aim of this project...

Detailed Feasibility Study of Low Head Turbine Sites-Two Sites in Hilly Region
People, Energy and Environment Development Association in joint venture with Oshin Power Service Pvt. Ltd are conducting detailed feasibility studies for the probable two sites in hilly region of Nepal. The low head sites should have less than 10 meters head and not include sites that use conventional micro hydro turbines...

System Design of an Expandable, Reconfigurable, and Integrated Renewable Energy Microgrid for Remote, Off-Grid Communities
All Renewable energy technologies provide sporadic power and thus installing a single technology type into a remote community will not ensure continuous power supply. Therefore, a hybridised renewable energy microgrid can provide a solution for long term sustainability. However, the multi -sourced hybrid mini-grid technology, having a big potential benefit...

Climate Resilient Communities and Sustainable Livelihood Initiatives for Pro-Poor of Dolakha District of Nepal
Project Summary The project is envisioned to be implemented in 3 Village Development Committees (VDCs) namely Namdu, Jungu and Mirge and earlier VDC (recently integrated into Jiri municipality) specifically Thulopatal of Dolakha district, located in Mid-Mountain range in the Janakpur zone of north eastern Nepal. The project has started from...

Technical Support for the Installation of Photo-voltaic Solar Panels in the Association for Craft Producers (ACP)
PEEDA worked on providing technical support to the Association for Craft Producers (ACP) for the installation of 32 KW photo-voltaic solar panel systems in the office and manufacturing premises for various applications. Earlier, PEEDA assisted ACP for the detailed feasibility study and accordingly suggested for the installation of solar powered...

Knowledge Documentation on Impacts of Biogas on Forests and Socio-economic development of local communities
PEEDA is currently working on documentation of impacts of biogas on forests and socio-economic development of local communities in the Terai Arc Landscape (TAL) and Chitwan Annapurna Landscape (CHAL). The project is under Hariyo Ban Program which has successfully installed thousands of domestic biogas plants in the TAL and CHAL...

Bio-fuel Consolidation Project- Okhaldhunga
Bread for the World (BfdW), formerly EED, has been supporting PEEDA since last 9 years. The support was received for 3 different projects on Jatropha Biofuel. The first project was focused on project feasibility study, Jatropha plantation which was followed by agricultural activity, community engagement, plantation and income generating activities....

Local Level Transesterification and Bio-fuel Stove Project
The Local Level Transesterification and Bio-fuel Stove Project being implemented by PEEDA has been funded by Renewable Nepal Programme, Kathmandu University. PEEDA joined hands with Energy & Environment Pvt. Ltd. (E&E) & Energy Environment Research & Development Center (EERDC) for implementation of the project. This project devised a simple method...

FK-Norway Exchange Project
This personnel exchange project funded by FK Norway aims in creating more jobs, reducing drudgery, and improving living conditions through knowledge exchange between the partner institutions. Tarayana Foundation Bhutan, Practical Action Bangladesh & Technology & Action for Rural Advancement (TARA) India and PEEDA are the four partner institutions for this...