Mr. Govind Prasad Devkota

Mr. Devkota has over 35 years of professional experiences in renewable energy technology in general and biogas in particular. The key areas of his involvement include capacity development, awareness creation, management and research and development. He has completed numerous feasibility studies, monitoring and evaluations and researches, market mapping, inventory studies, project planning, management and implementation. He has published seven books and sixty six articles on RETs nationally and internationally. Likewise, he was involved in forty consultancies both at national and international level and participated in 21 national and international seminars and workshops. Mr. Devkota has Bachelor degree in Science, Master degree in Economics from Tribhuvan University and Post Graduate Degree in Environmental Science and Technology from IHE Delft, the Netherlands.
He was involved as a member in the development of Master Plan of Rastrapati Chure Terai Madesh Conservation Project focusing on renewable energy. As a team member he has dveloped programme on Scaling up Mini and Micro Renewable Energy Initiatives (SREP) for the Government of Nepal. He also has experiences of working internationally that include “Biogas Digester Assessments in places of detentions in the Philippines” for ICRC, Asia biogas programme Evaluation (Nepal, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos and Bangladesh) for SNV, training and installation of biogas plants in Myanmar, Burkina Faso and Gambia. He was awarded Deependra Science and Technology Youth Award in 1985 from NAST and National Talent Award in 2001 from Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation for his outstanding work in the field of biogas and other renewable energy technologies.