Biraj Gautam

Mr. Biraj Gautam is a trained energy professional who has been involved in the projects related to rural energy services, R&D of energy technologies, implementation modality development, etc. He has gained experiences as an energy and environmental professional working in various projects in the countries like India, Bhutan and USA. Most of his experiences are from the RE projects in Nepal. His passions working on rural energy sector tempted him to work with PEEDA back in April 2008 where he started his job as an Environmental Officer for Pro-Poor Hydro Project. Since then he has been involved in various projects such as, feasibility of low head pico hydro technologies in Nepal, activity leader for research projects on low head turbine systems, community level biofuel utility aspects, implementation of various community electrification projects in Nepal, Bhutan and India. He also extensively worked with a team of experts including a team of students from Duke University and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for conceptualization of rural economic zone that revolves around the decentralized energy generation system. He also specializes in coordinating a team of multi-sector, networking, resource mobilization, orientation and supervision of field implementation of the projects. Mr. Gautam has MSc degree in Environmental Science from Tribhuvan University and University Credits in Professional Leadership Courses from George Masson University, USA.
He enjoys volunteering and has been leading and coordinating various events of social cause. He is a board member of Community Solutions Program Alumni, a program by US Department of States, Board of Representatives for Hydro Empowerment Network (a network of micro hydro professionals from south and south east Asia) and Member of Access Coalition (a global network of CSOs and INGOs working in energy access). He also represented Access Coalition to Sustainable Energy for All Forum (SEforALL) held in 2017 in NY.