
Minimising Rural Electrification Costs Summary Document (v0)

The project summary document for the REGDAN study titled "Possible Ways of Minimization of the Rural Electrification Cost in Nepalese Context".

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PPHP Nyadi Phase 2a Project Plan (v0)

A Gantt chart for Phase 2a of PPHP Nyadi Project.

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PPHP Pilot Summary Document, in Nepali (v13)

गरीबमुखी जलविद्युत आयोजना (पी.पी.एच.पी.) भनेको एउटा त्यस्तो परिकल्पना हो जसले ग्रामीण गरीब जनतालाई आफ्नो जल सम्पदाको नाफामुखी स्वामित्व प्रदान गर्न सहजीकरण गर्छ । यसका लागि व्यावसायिक रुपमा नाफा र सामाजिक पर्यावरणीय दृष्टिकोणले स्वीकार्य जलविद्युत आयोजनाको निर्माण तथा संचालनमा स्थानीय समुदायका गरीब व्यक्तिहरुलाई मुख्य रुपमा संलग्न गराई त्यस आयोजनामा उपलव्धिमुलक स्वामित्व...

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PPHP Pilot Summary Document (v13)

Pro-Poor Hydropower (PPHP) is a concept by which the rural poor of Nepal are facilitated into the profitable ownership of their water resources. This is achieved through development of commercially profitable and socio-ecologically acceptable hydropower projects with the local poor gaining significant ownership of the projects. Significant ownership is defined...

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Organisational Profile

A comprehensive overview of PEEDA, its history, current projects, staff and supporters.

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